Colin writes:

>  right now i am so amazed that perhaps i won't make sense. i had
>  absolutley no idea that life could be so different, that i could be so
>  different.
>  as i said before, i finally agreed to go on to medication because i
>  found the mood swings a pain to deal with. the drug i am on is a drug
>  that is widely used for the treatment of epilepsy and neuraligia. it is
>  also used to treat mood disorders.

I'm so delighted to hear this great news, Colin. From what you say, I would 
guess that the drug which has made such a difference to you is carbamazepine 
or "Tegretol" which is an old drug with interesting new indications. The good 
thing about that is that it's been around a long time and it's side effects 
and long term effects are very well known about as it's been widely taken all 
over the world - no rare toxicity is likely to suddenly become apparent as 
sometimes happens with new drugs.
I'm also pleased to hear your story because I think western conventional 
medicine comes in for such a slating these days that it's good to hear of a 
success. A lot of people are too quick to dismiss it and turn to an 
alternative without giving conventional treatment a proper chance.  Of 
course, a lot depends on finding a good practioner but, on the whole, it's 
the best researched and monitored system available.
I really hope the treatment continues to work well for you.
Keep taking the tablets!


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