> Colin writes:
> >
> >  right now i am so amazed that perhaps i won't make sense. i had
> >  absolutley no idea that life could be so different, that i could be so
> >  different.
> >  as i said before, i finally agreed to go on to medication because i
> >  found the mood swings a pain to deal with. the drug i am on is a drug
> >  that is widely used for the treatment of epilepsy and neuraligia. it is
> >  also used to treat mood disorders.
> I'm so delighted to hear this great news, Colin. From what you say, I would
> guess that the drug which has made such a difference to you is carbamazepine
> or "Tegretol" which is an old drug with interesting new indications.

aren't you smart! yes that is the drug i am taking . only 250 mgs at present.
supposed to work up to 400mg but today agreed with elizabeth that as 250mg is
working so well, why up it? time will tell.

> The good
> thing about that is that it's been around a long time and it's side effects
> and long term effects are very well known about as it's been widely taken all
> over the world - no rare toxicity is likely to suddenly become apparent as
> sometimes happens with new drugs.

thank you for that reassurance. elizbeth didn't say that but she did tell me that
it is widely used and with pregnant women too.

> I'm also pleased to hear your story because I think western conventional
> medicine comes in for such a slating these days that it's good to hear of a
> success. A lot of people are too quick to dismiss it and turn to an
> alternative without giving conventional treatment a proper chance.

i get your point but i did give it a chance years ago when i didn't know any
better. i was given drugs that made me very ill, that caused hallucinations,
arythmia, tarkive dis- whatsit, panic attacks, addictions and all of them were
inappropraite drugs for me too! no one really bothered to look for my symptoms
elizabeth made it her job (which it is being a dr!) to look at me carefully over
the last 2 1/2 years. She notice not just the mood changes but the other
nuerological stuff. she was good abiut it too. never siad anything to me about
that but only ever mentioned the moods. when i agreed to go on tegratol she left
it to me to report to her. when i explained how i suddenly was without all those
other things, she said she wasn;t surprised and in fact as i was speaking, she
premeted m a lot-knowing what i was going to say.
Obviously, it is far too soon to tell about the effects it may have on my moods
but i am still just so shocked about the other stuff and relieved that they ahve
gone and it wasn't me after all! I had not even bothered to relate them as
symptoms because i didn;t know they were! I just thought this was normal for me.
John and my firends are excellent in that they accepted it too, tho they of
course knew it wasn't normal but loved me too much to say so because they too
didn't think it could be changed. none of us knew my brain was wonky. i wonder if
this is due to all the times I got knocked on the head and knocked out?

You know, when i came to the end of the therapy, or rather the end of the grief
and delat with the abuse issues, i felt empy, like who was i? I have had almost
4years to find that out and assumed this last almost 4 eyars was who i was. now
it seems i have yet to discover that. I wonder what sort of person i really am.
It is tempting to get all resentful about it all but one cannot undo the past.
besides i am so lucky. I am loved and not just by God.
It is lucky my firends and john love me regardless of who i am! must be difficult
to have someone so close keep changing so radically!
i don't veen know if I am introvert or ectrovert, whether i am a home body or a
party animal, tho i do like my own comapny. mind you, it easier to be by myself
cos i dont' have to pretend or hide anything. so maybe now all the wierd stuff is
going or gone, i won't want to spend so much time indoors. and maybe I'll get to
those blasted dog shows, which i avoid doing. too many people, too much stress
related to what if i have a turn in the ring? what if i forget my dog? or where i
am or who i am tlaking or what i am saying? maybe soon i can face that. The last
time i showed the judge, who gave Mitchell a first, said she had neevr seen
anyone shake so mucchwhen showing and how this would affect my dog. i ahdn't even
been aware iwas shaking.

anyway, ia m rambling. this is exciting and a bit scary if i a m truthful. sems i
have yet to discover colin after all. hope i like him when i do.

> Of
> course, a lot depends on finding a good practioner but, on the whole, it's
> the best researched and monitored system available.
> I really hope the treatment continues to work well for you.
> Keep taking the tablets!
> Jacky

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