It must have been a sign this morning on KCRW when I heard Joni's gorgeous
singing on Brian Blade's song "Steadfast" from his album "Perceptual."  I've
never heard it played on the radio before.  Awhile later I checked out this
week's music listings and saw that Brian Blade and Daniel Lanois will
performing at Largo in L.A. tonight and tomorrow night!  This should be
incredible.  I'm not sure which night I'll make but if any of the L.A. gang
want to meet up, please let me know.  The line up outside the door usually
starts around 8 p.m. Here is the address.  Kakki

LARGO, 432 N. Fairfax Ave. A sit-down club with a strict no-chattering
policy. Cover $12-$2. Full bar. All ages. (323) 852-1073 or 852-1851.

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