Hi Scott,

> I'm curious as to how the club enforces this policy. Is there a sign out
> front warning the audience not to talk and if so, is that sufficient to
> keep everyone quiet during the performance?

This blurb from LA Weekly is the first I heard of the no chattering policy!
I've never seen signs there in the past but it's like the crowd just knows
to be quiet so if anyone else makes a peep they will stick out like a sore
thumb!  Wonder if Joni could handle the policy? LOL

> FWIW I wish more venues would impose similar policies!

I've found for the most part that when it's a small place that always has a
steady stream of top musicians, one doesn't have to worry too much.  Most
music lovers nowadays will burn a dirty look right through you if you are
yapping away during the performance!


NP:  Kurt Elling - Detour Ahead (oooh, just starting in on this one, Fred,
and going now to read your liner notes ;-)

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