
>"Kakki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>It must have been a sign this morning on KCRW when I heard Joni's gorgeous
>singing on Brian Blade's song "Steadfast" from his album "Perceptual."

>fred replied
>>I recently got "Perceptual" and I've been listening to it constantly .. love 

while looking through our local cd shops "bargain bin" to find the des & dawn version 
of circle game to which all covers cd collectors were subjected, i found a copy of 
perceptual!! my eyes nearly popped out when i saw who was involved, and the price. i 
got even happier when i got home & put it on!!

as jaco was to bass, so brian is to drums....

i also found a copy of a rory block album - anyone else listen to her?? (can a white 
man sing the blues? - maybe not, but this white *woman* sure can :-)

so just to encourage all potential "covers" contributors out there - what goes around, 
comes around - only countless times better!!


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