When I was very little (4 and under) my father would sing and play the guitar for 
me...one of his favorites was a song called "The Pony Man" which scared the absolute 
hell out of me.  It was actually nice song, but all I could get out of it was a 
bogey-man type of charcter, who lived in the barn and ate trash.  It resulted in a 
recurring nightmare with the pony man eating ME, and whispering "Bah, Bah..." in my 
ear.  After not thinking about this for years, I heard it wafting up the hill to my 
house from an outdoor show at a public pool a few years ago, and I got that same cold 
chill and irrational terror.
Funny what will do it to you...


Colin remembered:
> there was a song called The Laughing Policeman and of course there was this laugh on 
>it. It scared me stupid, i hated that song. My parents would play it because they 
>found my terror and tears and amusing. I was about 4 i think.

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