Arghh!  I just typed a decent sized post and the damn thing disappeared
before I sent it.  At least I think it didn't send.  Sorry if this is a
resend.  It'll probably be a bit shorter than the original thing, as I'm
running out of time now (going out to posh restaurant tonight with my
partner, for our five year anniversary meal!!!)


There I was sitting in the lounge, muddling through my semi-unemployment by
marking maths homeworks (very tedious) and watching daytime TV.  Then the
usual even calm of the Richard and Judy Show was interrupted by the ever
annoying Marti Pellow.  And what's worse they announced he'd be singing at
the end of the show.  I made a mental note to switch channels over to the
Weakest Link before he launched into one of those dreadful ballads that he
does.  Then I remembered that he once covered Joni's River, and considering
that it is coming on Christmas and all, I thought I should at least check,
and eerily enough, that's what he chose to perform.

Judy, gawd bless her, introduced it as 'a lovely Christmas song' - kinda
missing the point of the song.  They also had some conversation about great
songwriters, but I missed most of that fumbling for a video.  

Yes Bob, that does mean I have it on tape.  And as I'm going to see my
parents next week for the holidays, and they have the ability to do such
things, I'll transfer it to CD.  So if you're interested in adding it to
your covers collection, just give me a shout.  I know you have another
version by him, but I don't know how they compare, as I'm not that far
through the collection yet.


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