By the way, I've recently "discovered" a compilation of Ella Fitzgerald in
concert and boy, howdy, she is the finest singer I've ever heard!!  I've
never heard anyone do things with pitch that well!  She slides in several
different ways, sometimes slippery-sliding, sometimes with a lilt.  The held
notes are rock-steady, with or without vibrato.  I didn't know a human being
could BE this good.  She's redefined speed-scatting for me too.  The way she
can articulate without losing the apparent JOY of vamping against the
trumpets is something I've never heard.  But she's not some dry, academic
singer.  She appears to be having a ball while all of these fireworks are
going on.

Furthermore, she has this ability with time.  The way she knows just when to
lag behind time, then "bounces" up at the end of a line is amazing.  I think
it's called "swinging" and I've ever heard anyone do it this well!  I didn't
know it COULD be done like this.

It's like discovering a new RANGE of colors.  I'm thinking this week that
she did all these things better than anyone I've ever heard before.  To my
mind, on this recording, she's a far, far better singer than anyone I've
heard.  Time and again, I found myself nodding and wondering, "Why didn't
anyone think of this before?"

In short, she's pushed back the boundaries of what I thought could be done.
Like I said, it's a compilation.  On Verve CDs, it's called "Ella Fitzgerald
Live", and it's in their affordable line called "Compact Jazz" series and
encompasses 14 tracks.  There's nothing dated about it.  It smokes; it
rocks; it schmoozes; it amazes; it swings.


ps, I swear on Allah, I am as sober as a judge.

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