Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. I know i havn't been very
prolific on the posting to JMDL front of late, life is hectic. Here's a
little run donw: Yesterday, monday, i turned 21:-)  Mine is one of those
families that make a big deal of this date.  On saturday we had a big party;
big hall, dj, food, lots of guests, late bar:-)
It was fun.  They say that it's very hard to enjoy your own party.  While i
wouldn't say this, i will admit that the alcohol didn't take effect quick
enough for me!  Afterwards i headed out on the town with some friends.  I
met a girl that i was friends with at 16 and 17; we've not seen each other
twice in teh last year.  She bought me a lot more drink.  I don't do shots,
but the shots she got me (tia maria and baileys, called a B52 i think) were
great, very smooth.  A small group of us topped the night off at my house.
Yesterday, teh day of my birthday, my mothers graduation ceremony from a
course hse had been taking was held.  The minister of education was there.
I got quite a buzz out of hearing him congratulating me for being in
university, and to then have my sister in his ear wondering why, for God's
sake, is she not entitled to a mature student grant.  hehe, he didn't quite
know!  He was a very nice, chatty, and funny man.

Colin, i hope you too enjoyed your birthday:-) Thanks for the birthday
----- Original Message -----
From: Wally Kairuz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> garret garret garret
> H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! ! !
> the birthday fairy, fighting mosquitoes!

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