I'd like to mis-quote Hugh Grant, who in Four Weddings, woke up, 
looked at the time (and for my purposes, realised the date).



Garret, happy fecking birthday.  You didn't even send me a guilty
bleedin' txt message to let me know I'd damn well forgotten.  

Colin, missed yours too. Damn. Blast. Sorry. :(  But, "Booger Rhinotush"?  
I've been away too long...

Both of you: please don't take offence I forgot - I'm just crap you
see.  I need a live-in secretary(*) to look after my work and social
diary and remind me of people's birthdays, otherwise I just get it
all terribly wrong.  Goldfish have better short term memory retention
than I do. 



*Well, a live-in something else really.  Only some of the duties
will be secretarial... :-)

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