Hello everyone,

here is some bad Joni parody in honor of our beloved 16-pound cat, Amber (who 
knows she deserves all possible adulation)

fat cat of heart and mind
(for Amber from one of her devoted "owners")

I am a fat cat of heart and mind
with time on my paws
no work to do
sometimes you act as though you own me
but we both know who really owns who

you think you're in control because you make the money
but I notice that you have to go out and work all day
while I lie serenely on the sofa
and watch the little birdies outside play

I know you like to think I love you
so if you're really nice, I'll let you pet me just a bit
but you better not bring out that comb and try to groom me
or you know I'm really going to have a fit

you have to feed me lots of kibble
and I better get it too, just as soon as I meow
otherwise, I shall stand by the food bowl and glare at you
and induce guilt in every way that I know how

all this talk about ownership now
must be your way of pretending you're in control
but it's all empty words
who goes to work?
who brings the kibble?
who sleeps all day?
who really has the life of Riley here?

you criticize and you flatter
I ignore the criticism because it simply does not matter
the flattery I believe
Because I know it's true indeed
you know the times you impress me the most
are the times when you recognize that truth
when you recognize that truth.

Mary K

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