HO,HO,HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!!  i just wanted to put in my  2 cents worth on the 
christmas music issue.  i totally agree with mark about linda's CD it is 
exquisite, and emmylou's truly blows me away. (  i never get tired of hearing 
it,  i've gone through 2 LPS and i'm now working on a CD ! )  her rendition 
of  " beautiful star of bethlehem "
is not to be missed,  and the title cut is also exceptional.  truth be told 
there isn't a song on it that isn't done beatifully .  if i had to choose 
between the two,  emmylou's would be the one i'd purchase !  if money is no 
object i would get them both along with loreena mckennitt's " to drive the 
cold winter away , " and if you are into jazz you should pick up manhattan 
transfer's " the christmas album . " ( they do a wonderful job of updating  
the standards and then some...) happy listening and merry music. i'm off to 
make a persimmon pudding, YUMMMMM...

my best to all,
warren keith

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