Well I, for one, found that post very irritating.  As far as disappointing,
I can get this kind of attitude anywhere, anytime since it is very
prevalent.  The NJC tag is exactly so that people that find other items
disappointing won't have to read them.  Mistakes do happen, however, since
we are all human here.  Never has irritated me though even when I find
something that doesn't necessarily interest me.  I am not on the only Joni
content list since I want more but it is sad, to me, that someone can listen
to the music and words of Joni Mitchell and even post something like this.
How can someone who claims to understand Joni Mitchell even have these kinds
of sentiments?   Sad.


> HI everyone,
> I went through the other options for receiving jmdl news, found too much
> other chatter about so much non-related info, so got the "joni only
> digest. I thought it would be only directly related to news/info on her
> her art. I must say I am very disappointed and a little irritated by all
> NON-joni communications on this list too. Some of it seems more
> for personal/one-to-one email rather than for others who come to this site
> because of Joni Mitchell. I don't want to read about Ed Ames or other
> singers who have nothing to do with JM. I don't want to read about
> personal life issues.
> ]It's wonderful that you all are friendly and intimate with each other,
> I am grateful that all of this is here for our enjoyment. I enjoy getting
> info on other people who cover her songs, or where people heard her music
> playing. I just hope, since the jmdl is set up this way, that NJC will
> actually be on the NJC, and not be added to the joni-only digest.
> Or is there another list that is REALLY only JM content??
> Thank you.

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