>  but the list did specify "  joni content " only for this list. i see
> nothing wrong with the familiarity between list members when posting their
> joni info, maybe we have violated the premise of the list and should try to
> stick to the joni content only rule.

I think you misunderstood, Warren. there is no joni only rule.
There are however TWO lists. One is for ONLY JONI stuff and the other is a free
for all (and much more interesting for me). The way the two lists work is that
nything marked NJC(no joni content) will not go to the ONLY JONI list. Anything
without the NJC tag in subject headin will go to the ONLY JONI list.
So if you desire ONLY JONI, that would be the list you sign up to. However, as
the people on these lists are human, the NJC tag is left off posts that should
have it on. Not only that but Only Joni's who moan about this also do it
themselves! And people who are not on the Only Joni often moan about the subjects
discussed on the free for all list!
The lists suit everybody, including those who like to find fault!

Whilst I do think the replies to the fatcat were a bit harsh, i undertsand them
cos it irks me too that some people can find the time to bitch but not to
contibute to  the list in a more uplifting or interesting way.

It would help anyone on this list to realise that we are all human, imperfect and
prone to making mistakes. If we cannot accept imperfection in our fellows then
perhaps this is not the list for us.(but then it would seem no where would be for
us as we live in an imperfect world)

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