In a message dated 12/26/01 5:53:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> down the hallway wearing an orange muumuu and green
> go-aheads." Would anyone out there in jonilista land care to explain to me
> what this woman was wearing, please. It's from 'Cruising Paradise' by Sam
> Shepard, and that's as close as it gets to joni content.

LOL!! Hey Mike in Barcelona!
The muu muu is a dress that is not A-lined. It's kind of box cut, very baggy, 
no shape to it dress. Something Carol Burnett would wear during one her 
comedy acts along with the scarf tied around her head and the tear shaped sun 
glasses. Get the picture? The green go-aheads I'm guessing are heels. I'm 
going to miss all this posting once I start working.

rose in NJ

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