Cheryl Wheeler fans & folk songwriters, here is some info from a music list
I am on:

The Intermountain Acoustic Music Association (IAMA) here in Salt Lake City
putting on, in conjunciton with the local university, a Singer-Songwriter
Workshop.  Here's how it works: interested folks submit their original song,
plust a $10 check, postmarked by Jan. 15.  A panel of judges will select
finalists.  All finalists will then be able to workshop their song with
Philo-recording-artist-and-very-cool songwriter Cheryl Wheeler, who'll work
directly with those five on refining their songs.  (Folks can also purchase
tickets to watch the process, but only those five finalists will be working
with Cheryl.)  These five will also get to open for Cheryl at her concert
next night.

Interested?  Here are all the details.  The workshop is happening on Friday,
March 22; the concert is the following night, Saturday, March 23.  All
will be happening on the University of Utah campus here in Salt Lake City.
You can enter as many songs as you'd like; each should be a CD or rewound
cassette with a check for $10 for each song.  CDs/cassettes should be marked
with your name, address, phone number, and email if available.  Submissions
are supposed to show the judges how you would sound live, so preference will
be given to submissions featuring just voice and instrument.

Submissions should be sent to LeValley Showcase, c/o IAMA, PO Box 2187, Salt
Lake City, Utah 84110-2187.  Checks should be made out to IAMA.
Kate Bennett
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