Kerry wrote, about Fried Green Tomatoes:

> It's just a shame that they had to "clean up" the lesbian content.
> It's an interesting quandry, though.  Do you make a movie that's totally
> true to the book or do you strive to make it palatable for a mass 
> audience?  I consider it a wonderful "lesbian movie" because I read the
> book and could see (and feel) the love that Ruth and Idgie felt for each
> other on the screen.  However, my mother enjoyed it and I'm sure did
> not see any lesbian content at all.

When that movie was first released, I was really annoyed by the "clean up."  Now 
though, I treasure the idea that unless you've read the book, you might not pick up on 
Ruth and Idgie's real relationship ... so it's a nice little "inside secret," if you 

Lori, wondering if she's becoming one of those older, suburban lesbians,
in MD

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