> RLJ gives me strength when I need it.  Gives me the righteous indignation
> need to face the detractors, the homophobes, THEM.  Those who don't
> understand, don't care to, don't try, and never will.  Those who want to
> their lives and mine too.  Those who are stuck in the mud, and like it.
> Question:  Polly and I went to the circus.  Polly got hit with a rolling
> We got even with the circus.  We bought tickets but we didn't go in.  -RLj
> Know how I have interpreted that but curious to how others have done the
> Interested to hear.

I haven't delved too deeply into 'The Magazine' yet and I think that's the
album this is from, right Mack?

Incidentally, if any of you Rickie Lee fans haven't gotten the 'Live at Red
Rocks' cd yet, do not hesitate for one millisecond!  Run don't walk to your
nearest record store or log into CDNow or the first online store you can get
to and buy or order this cd!  It's a recording of a show from the 'Flying
Cowboys' tour and it is fantastic!  The band is hot and Rickie is so upbeat
and in beautiful voice!  The show must have been a major high for all the
performers and the people who attended it because I can feel that vibe
pouring out of my cd player everytime I pop this recording in!

Mark E.

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