Yea, Mark, it is from "the Magazine"  One thing I like about Joni and RLj
both is that I can find so many things in both their lyrics.  Often don't
even understand what Rickie Lee is talking about.  That happens with Joni
too but not as frequently.  Nevertheless, there is plenty that I do
understand or I am able to find my own meaning in the words and the music.
Would imagine that this is something that Joni fosters and it allows me to
expand into areas I would not go otherwise.  I cannot put my finger on it
but I find a lot of similarities between magazine and pirates.  How are you
liking Volcano?  Thanks for the recommendation.  Gonna have to get that one.
Had not heard about it.

> >
> I haven't delved too deeply into 'The Magazine' yet and I think that's the
> album this is from, right Mack?
> Incidentally, if any of you Rickie Lee fans haven't gotten the 'Live at
> Rocks' cd yet, do not hesitate for one millisecond!  Run don't walk to
> nearest record store or log into CDNow or the first online store you can
> to and buy or order this cd!  It's a recording of a show from the 'Flying
> Cowboys' tour and it is fantastic!  The band is hot and Rickie is so
> and in beautiful voice!  The show must have been a major high for all the
> performers and the people who attended it because I can feel that vibe
> pouring out of my cd player everytime I pop this recording in!
> Mark E.

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