i simply must break the njc rule because i need to reach as many of you as
possible. please bear with me and forgive me. i am aware that i am asking
too big a favor of you but i have no other way of doing this.

as you know, i am looking for an opportunity to leave argentina as soon as i
can. the situation is extremely dramatic for me, and my livelihood, to say
the least, is at stake.

i have prepared a short version of my vitae -- i tried to fit 22 years of
experience on only one page. i will post it to anyone that requests it. my
only chance to leave this country is with a job offer. if you think that you
might be able to help, please write to me and i will send you my

i hope you will pardon this intrusion. as it is, i am swallowing enough
pride to inflate ten prima donnas by sending this message.

thank you for your consideration.


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