That sounds like a good idea.  I play piano some myself, and enjoyed learning 
some of her songs like "He played real good for free" and "Willie".  Go for 
I did want to remark on her piano playing and say that she often sounds like 
she's playing in a "mijor" key, which is neither major or minor, but 
something in between.  One of my favorite piano moments from her is in "Blue" 
right after she sings, "Lots of laughs...lots of laughs..."  Then she plays a 
few stray notes, and then there's that beautiful key change to get her back 
to "Everybody's saying that Hell's the hippest way to go out..."  Definitely 
one of the best.  I wish I had the music for it.  My other fave piano tunes 
are "Court and Spark," "Down To You," and "Lesson In Survival."  Did you 
think of including "Sweet Bird" or "Boho Dance" from HOSL in your anthology?  
They have some lovely piano chords, too.

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