Actually, PLP-ing referrs to a 'public leaning post'
(or 'private leaning post', depending on what part of
the country you're from). It describes the scenario
where people are loitering in public spaces, making
them their own. Like hanging on a parking meter or
leaning against someone else's vehicle.

NP: "Here's Where The Story Ends" - The Sundays

--- Catherine McKay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Catherine,
> > 
> > Don't get me wrong -- I had all of Jane Siberry's
> > albums thru WIWAB-- still 
> > have a few of them, and would love to re-get her
> > second and third albums (One 
> > was called something like Map of the World, and i
> > don't remember the other -- 
> > the first was a Canada-only release, and I had to
> > special order it a few 
> > years back -- the one with Marco Polo and Writers
> > Are a Funny Breed;  that, 
> > and The Walkiung are my favorites)
> Jane has a website.  The name is (or maybe was?)
>  I'm not sure if the site has
> moved or changed since I wasn't able to access it
> just
> now, but that could be for any of a number of
> reasons.
> I did get her CD "Hush" but I was kind of
> disappointed.  I found it too lethargic. On the
> other
> hand, it's supposed to be lullabyes and so on, so I
> guess it ought to be!  I think I'm Siberryed out -
> don't think I want to get any more of her stuff. 
> Not
> at the moment anyhow.
> > -- and the first
> > four or five of Rickie 
> > Lee's (my favorite was Pirates) -- it was when
> they
> > each seemed to venture 
> > too far into freeform that I think they lost me. 
> I loved RLJ's first two, but then I got tired of
> her. 
> Her diction is terrible - you can't hear what she's
> saying half the time, and then, when you can hear
> it,
> you don't understand what she's talking about
> because
> of the slang she uses (used - I guess she doesn't do
> that so much these days).  What the hell is "How
> come
> he don't come and PLP with me no more" supposed to
> mean?  We used to say PLP when we were kids and it
> meant "Pretty little princess", but it doesn't make
> sense to me.  Oh well.  I liked the first two albums
> so much that I recently bought them on CD but when I
> listened to them again, I wasn't sure what about RLJ
> had appealed to me way back when.  I still listen to
> them now and then and there are some things I still
> like, but a lot of it seems dated to me (now that
> I'm
> old and jaded and I don't give a rat's ass.)
> > Joni lost a lot of fans 
> > when she did Mingus, but she was able to carry it
> > off -- anyway, the problem 
> > is mine -- like not being able to apprecuiate
> > Jackson Pollock's painting -- 
> > it's *my* problem, not the painter's.
> Naaah, it's not you.  Pollock stinks!
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