<< Hi Bob here's my guess At Last, Both Sides now 
...............................Joe Gomez  >>

A big "Whoo-Hoo" is in order for Joe! 

My song this month was "I Wish I Were In Love Again" from BSN. Joe was the 
closest, so to the winner belongs the spoils! So get back to me Joe, before 
this CD spoils! :~)

And a BIG thanks to all of you who guessed, from all over the world. I'll 
have another one ready to fly in February, so stay tuned.

And if you didn't win, and would like a copy of the compilation (like Slim 
Whitman, it's not available in stores), let me know. I even have a Paypal 
account, so it can be yours with a few clicks of the mouse!

Yours in Joni covers,

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