
        >>>john wrote
        >>>Ron, one word of reprimand, though ... there is absolutely nothing wrong
with The Happy Hammond Goes Pop. It's pure vitamin B3 ... And the HHgP's
version of Little Jimmy Osmond's Lucky Lover From Liverpool is a killer!<<<

now im confused !! is this sarcasm or genuine???

pehaps you did not have the aversion therapy i had - continued replaying of hhgp is 
worse than chinese water torture!!!

but i must add in my dad's favour - while he did have some strange tastes he did 
introduce me to some wonderful music - i still have a taste for stan kenton to this 
day, as well as santana, ccr, al kooper, & johnny & edgar winter - quite some range.

btw - someone previously mentioned about all the musicians whose names started in J & 
then suggested a band with joni, jimi, & jaco.

i guess we can add to that now - lets add joan & janis on vocals, and........james 
arranging & conducting  !!!!


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