Hi, all,

Been sick for several days -- so sorry, no mention of our trying to get 
together in Bay Area.

Re: that -- All who are able to do so on a weekeday -- please try to check 
out the Bazaar Cafe here in the city on Wednesday night (5927 California, 
between 21st and 22nd, I think), that's *Wednesday*, not tomorrow, as I may 
have feverishly written to some of you earlier today, having skipped a day in 
my mind.  Robert and I will probably be there by 5:30 p.m., and several other 
jmdlers have already sadi they'll be there sooner or later, as work and 
travel permit.

Re: a weekend get-together -- I was laid low by bronchitis all weekend, so as 
soon as I can, I'll finish scouting out a location for a weekend get-together 
that might permit us to play as well as chat.  News as I have it!

best to all, and see some of you soon,


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