and on a totally unrelated topic...
i was shopping in the grocery store by my house last
night, and there was this DROP DEAD GORGEOUS guy
looking for spicy sausage or something, but he had the
most beautiful new zealand accent (or maybe
australian, i'll admit i can't tell the two apart very
well). i caught myself smiling at him, without even
realizing it. then as i cruised around the store, i
realized there were hot foreign men all over the
place! italians! nordics! and aussies, oh my! so i
guess this olympics thing doesn't suck that bad. 
and it kept me from putting any fat-laden junk food in
my cart. you know, on the off chance that one of em
needed directions or something...
alison e. in slc, resorting to the grocery store for
social fulfillment. 
np: kay ashley, daydream man.

--- Gil Lamont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >pariah. It was when she did that awful New Zealand
> movie about the horrible
> >New Zealand woman who fed her little New Zealand
> baby to that mean New
> >Zealand dingo. I think it was called "The Dingo Did
> It" or something like
> >that.
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