
> > But I didn't say "in the buff" -- I said "buff." Here in the Colonies "in
> > the buff" also means nekkid, but that's not the same as "buff" all by its
> > lonesome.
>oh okay. we don't use that term here. we use hunky, built, muscly, toned,

Yep, that's who I was. Hunky. Built. Muscly. Toned. -- and Buff!

> > I'm buff in your mind? My blushes!
>no need to blush I didn't imagine any action.....

Amazingly enough, neither did I!

In all fairness, this "buff"/"in the buff" business confuses people on both 
sides of The Pond ... which is probably half the fun.

Joni was once buff (and in the buff) herself, IIRC the foldout to For the 
Roses, yes?

who's decided this folderol has gone on long enough. Time to serious up ...

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