Ahh Colin but you are falling under my spell, slowly falling in with
the lesbians.  Before you know it you'll be tossing all your eyeliner,
masscarra and cha cha heels out!  Then you'll want to get to know us
really well before - you know.  You are being recruited and there's not
a damned thing you can do to stop yourself - or me! HAHAHAHAHAHAA!

Okay am I ready to go back to work yet?


--- colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Susan Guzzi wrote:
> > Well I never!  Thrown out of a club I don't even belong in?
> >
> > Actually, at least here in America it was used as a term by both
> men
> > and women.
> it might well be here too. I have just never heard it said of a
> lesbian
> before. Besides, even if I am right, I'd let you join! Women are much
> nicer
> people. As long as they keep their hands to themselves and dont' try
> and
> recruit me.
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