<<I have seen her in Missing, The Long Walk Home and several others. i think
she is wonderful. >>

She DID in fact, win the Oscar for "Coal Miner's Daughter" in 1980 playing Loretta 
Lynn. She does seem more real than your basic Hollywood starlet. She has an impressive 
body of work. 

<<In The Bedroom sounds like my sort of film.>>

It has gotten raves everywhere, although here in South Carolina it has not been 
well-received. Local reviewers said it was too slow and boring. I had to laugh as I 
found it to be *very* intense, but on an emotional level, not on a car-chase one. 
There were about 10 people in the theatre at the start of the film, and about half of 
them walked out in the middle!

Marisa Tomei is also excellent as is Tom Wilkinson, who plays her husband.


NP: Shawn, JT, Mary, "Big Yellow Taxi"

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