I highly recommend this film. The story centers on a Maine
> family and how a long-married couple & community deals with a tragic
> situation. The acting, script, direction are almost flawless. I've also
> admired Sissy's work from when I saw her in "Badlands" many years ago.
> I'd love to know what you think after you see it.
> Bob

Watched this film last night. Heartbreaking and harrowing. I lost two 
sisters in separate accidents and the pain can be really excruciating 
especially when one is growing up and there's just no etiquette or rules to 
follow when grieving and mourning. I remembered being quite affected by the 
death of my sister in 1985 and although our family was quite stiff-upper-
lip about showing emotions in public and to each other, I can quite 
understand now how we probably grieved individually and put up a brave 
front everytime during those years. After watching this movie, I realized 
one aspect about mourning that I didn't pay much attention before -- my 
parents' own grief at losing their children.

I never saw them cry (my mother did twice) publicly but I wonder how 
particularly excruciating it must have been for them. They have to mourn 
for the loss of a baby they saw grow and bloom before their eyes, and 
having to display a brave front in front of their kids. 

IN THE BEDROOM is a great film. Its a non-bravura, non-showy type of film 
that located the heart of sadness that comes from tragedy so very well. 
Made me remember the equally-good UNDER THE SAND with Charlotte Rampling. 

Sissy Spacek might win an Oscar for this one, and I would be glad for her 
having followed her movies ever since I watched her in `NIGHT, MOTHER with 
Anne Bancroft. But the one who stole the show for me was Tom Wilkinson.


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