ashara & victor & all,

I LOVE HOUSECONCERTS!!!  i think they are the way of the future...a way for
an audience to hear artists that are under the radar
(which is most artists these days!) & a way for indie artists to play & tour
& actually get the other end of the spectrum is the kind of thing
that Steve Dulson does...his concerts are not in a house but of the same
high quality with a great listening audience & the performers are very well
paid based on audience attendence (Steve & the organization supply the pa &
its done in a community center that doesn't charge much for the room).
Steve's concert website is

i haven't read your intial question or victor's reply cuz i'm on
digest....but i think you are asking about hosting a house concert?

they range in size according to the amount of people they can
accomodate...the one i played (russ & julie's) has been going on for several
years & is pretty well known around the country...last year one of the LA tv
stations did a spot on their concert...& the night we played a guy from npr
was their interviewing everyone & recording...don't know if or when anything
will be broadcast...

at any rate its a huge & growing thing...the best thing going for both
musicians (who get listened to & paid decently) & the audience who gets an
intimate show & to hang out with the musicians afterwards...

here is a photo that shows you the performer space & you can also read
lots of info there about their experiences in hosting & the guests that they
have had (some of them quite well was an honor to join that list
as we were probably one of the least well known but that is what is so
cool...the audience comes to hear new artists as well as the better known

here is their links to other press about houseconcerts

russ & julie really have the whole process down (& a waiting list to play
there which is years long!)...they can host between 80 & 100 plus
folks...they used to rent, but eventually bought, folding chairs...they move
all furniture out of their living room the day of the show (with help from
friends & family) & the artist plays in space in the front of the room (&
supplies their own pa or just does without)...there is a stairs & a balcony
at the back which can accomodate the overflow if their aren't enough
seats...i am not good with square footage but the key is being able to move
furniture out & set up chairs...

everyone can bring desserts, snacks, drinks, russ & julie also supply
coffee, teas, soda, some desserts...there is an intermission break when
everyone can mingle & eat & drink, etc. they were also kind enough to feed
us all before the show! great soup & homemade bread...

they said they don't make money, actually often loose money but they do it
for the love of music & getting to host & know musicians...their kids have
grown up with these events so its been wonderful for their kids too...they
do these once a month & now sometimes are able to get local businesses to
sponsor a show which helps defray the costs & the sponsors get two front row
seats...after years of doing this they have a mailing list of 500
people...they send out emails, flyers, press releases, etc.

they give all the door money to the musicians, they used to charge $10 but
recently raised it to $15...

we hosted a house concert once for around 30 people...rented the chairs &
moved out some furniture...victor & holley hosted one that we played at the
was really lovely too...

i have looked into a couple of houseconcerts in the austin but they want to
hear me play live first before they will book me, which is fair...

i have probably answered more than you wanted to know!

kate, feeling yucky cuz we have no water, waiting for the plumber to come
fix our broken water pipes (of COURSE it breaks on the weekend!)

Kate Bennett
sponsored by Polysonics
Discover the Indies at Taylor Guitars:

  -----Original Message-----
  Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 8:06 AM
  Subject: Re: House Concerts 101NJC)

  WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Victor, thank you VERY much!! This is exactly what I was
looking for! Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me.

  I went to the web, and found a LOT of info!! Silly me, I thought this was
such a grass-roots thing, I wouldn't find it on the web. Instead, I found a
plethora of information, and even a website from people that had hosted our
own Kate Bennett this past month!!

  Kate: how big was their space in their house? That's the only thing I am a
little nervous about- stuffing in enough people to make it worthwhile for
the performer.


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