> I would recommend"Who Knows Where the Time Goes"
> first and foremost. Stephen Stills plays on a couple of my
> favorite Judy songs,"Someday Soon" and "First Boy I Loved"

Love 'Someday Soon'.  That one's stuck in my head right now.   'First Boy I
Loved' is on 'Forever' and I find it intriguing as hell.  Melodically &
musically it seems very strange & complex.  I would love to see all of the
lyrics printed out for this one.
> also there is a wonderful rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Bird On
> The Wire".

She seems to have a knack for picking great material.

> I don't know if people take him too seriously, but there are some
> seriously funny songs on some of his albums,

I don't mean to imply that Dylan's music isn't serious.  Judy's version of
'Masters of War' is on 'Forever' and there's nothing humorous about that
one.  But 'Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat' from 'Blonde on Blonde' seems playful
(and biting) to me.  Just the title alone tickles me.  Of course I haven't
delved too much into the lyrics yet.  Just more or less getting a feel for
these records.  He's still not my idea of a singer but his style is growing
on me.

Thanks for the feedback, Randy.

Mark E in Seattle

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