hello all...i think i might be able to clear up the " dreamland " 
confussion.  the roger mcguinn album in question,  which included joni's song 
" dreamland , " was released before DJRD.  i had a friend who i turned on to 
joni back in the early 80's .  when i played DJRD for him his first remark on 
hearing " dreamland " was that he'd always really like that mcguinn song. ( 
of course i set him straight as to who the real writer of the song was, he 
didn't realize she had written " woodstock " either !!! )  needless to say he 
is a big joni fan now.  about the grammys...
veiwing the show for the first time in god only knows when i was reminded of 
why i had stopped watching them in the first place. ( i missed joni winning 
for TI because i just wasn't keeping track of the awards since sometime in 
the 80's ! )  anyway  i must say what a waste of time. not only did i not 
know most of the people there, i was left not wanting to after the show was 
over. i can't beleive the minuscule amount of time spent on our joan !!! ( 
how dare they...)  the show seems to have been boiled down to the industry's 
least attractive elements...banality and capitalism !  i guess you know what 
i won't be watching again. i could go on but enough of that...

lots of joni,
warren keith


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