Lama wrote:

>Oh, sure.  By all means, Mister Dylan is a word-meister of the first order.
>And in my view he kicked the doors down for everyone else to write about
>more varied topics.
>(Can anyone imagine hearing Shawn Colvin's song about arson on the radio
>without someone breaking down the barriers first?)
>As a pioneer, he enriched my musical life and the lives of scores of my
>heroes enormously.  Yes, by all means let's celebrate Bobby along with all
>the other fine songwriters.
>But if we're gonna judge him on his chops as a musician alone?  Or as a
>singer, alone?  Or rate him according to the daring with which he selected
>I love him, but................
>........ he's no Joni Mitchell.

Hey, and Joni is no Bob Dylan!

But I'd like to challenge on all three points. (Put 'em up, put 'em up!) As 
a musician, he is a harp player extraordinaire. As a singer, how about "I 
Believe in You" or anything on "Time Out of Mind" or "Love and Theft"? Or 
is a good voice a prerequisite for being a good singer? (That's let out a 
lot of performers.) As for choosing the people he performs/records with ... 

Sure, you can find examples of the worst of Bob. But the best of Bob is 


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