Hello, all,

Finally got out of bed today -- don't know what hit me, but I was barely able 
to move for several days -- and got an odd e-mail from a Dr. Matthias Rath, 
saying that some unscrupulous Members of Parliament are trying to put control 
of what we in the U.S. consider over-the-counter vitamins and minerals and 
such, into the hands of Multinational Pharmaceutical companies, who would 
presumably either make them illegal, so that people would have to go and get 
costly prescriptions, or at least get control of their marketing, and make a 

I don't know who sent it to me -- reading "headers" gives me a "headache" -- 
but I tried, and still don't know who forwarded it to me. 

The tone was alarmist, but the content was plausible.  (If anyone wants to 
see the actual text, I'm happy to forward it -- let me know.)

Can any of the European jmdlers tell me/us what's going on?  Is there really 
a danger here, is there an important EU vote coming up?  How serious is the 

For what it's worth, I have to take thousands of dollars worth of antiviral 
prescriptions to stay alive (lucky me that I live where I do, and the 
government covers much of the cost -- and unlucky the many in other parts of 
the word who die because they have no access or can't afford it); but I also 
take vitamins and minerals and such, and would be pissed off if I weren't 
allowed, or if they became even more expensive than they already are, and I 
had to stop buying them.

So -- does anyone over there (or over here) know what's going on?



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