In a message dated 3/12/2002 2:06:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Hi. I'm a lurker on the Joni-only list, but I wanted to tell you about a 
> little project I undertook recently to acquaint some high school students 
> with Joni. 

Hi Mark, and thanks for delurking. What an excellent project to take on. I 
wish more teachers would use Joni's lyrics (or even other songwriters) for 
educating students. I know I would have enjoyed poetry a lot more if the 
teachers would have used song lyrics. I would really like to know how the 
group who had "Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire" presented that discussion.  
Actually, I would like to know how *each* group interpreted the lyrics to 
their assigned song. 
What a fun project.  Thanks for sharing!


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