<<I'm curious if they named the group after Tanya Harding>>

But isn't she "Tonya" and not "Tanya"? I thought the same thing when I saw that name, 
Jimmy. Or maybe they were referring to Patty Hearst's alter-ego "Tania"?

Speaking of Ms. Harding, she will taking on Paula Jones in Fox TV's first installment 
of "Celebrity Boxing", and also ex-Partridge Family guy Danny Bonaduce mixes it up 
with ex-Brady Buncher Barry Williams. Todd Bridges, ex-Different Strokes guy is also 
featured but I forget who's sliming into the ring with him.

This should be quite an event. I just KNOW that John Waters will be watching. Just 
when you think our culture has hit a new low, here comes Fox-TV! ;~)


NP: Jane's Addiction, "Whores" 

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