As someone who likes to think "I can pick 'em"
(don't we all?), I was thrilled to see those three
Canadian 'ramblin'gals', the Be Good Tanyas, at 
The Borderline in London last night. The club, next 
to Foyles Bookshop off Charing Cross Road, had 
been completely sold out for over a week and still 
there was a long queue (line up) for returns - not bad 
for a relatively unknown string band on their first tour 
of the UK!!

I first saw them last year at the Vancouver Folk Alliance
Showcase, which was hosted by Canadian dulcimer
player Rick Scott (some might remember Rick's story
about being picked up by Joni when he was hitchhiking
up the Sechelt coast, which I've posted on the list).  
I know Rick was really pleased when Samantha Parton
from the Tanyas said she had grown up listening to his
band's (Pied Pumkin String Ensemble) albums.

I thought then that the Be Good Tanyas were a name
for the future - sublime country stringband harmonies -
and Frazey Ford has one great individual voice that 
really gets the hairs on the back of my neck a'buzzing
(or whatever!)

They started last night's set with a new song called 'Horses'
(new to me anyway, as it's not on their 'Blue Horse' album,
which featured Samantha on ukelele  (I was amused to
hear a hard-nut looking London geezer standing next
to me say "wow, you dunt see many uke-players these
days".  They did most of the songs from their album -
"The Littlest Birds" and "Only in the Past" my personal
faves -  although when someone in the audience shouted 
out for them to play 'Lakes of Pontchartrain', they said they
haven't kept that one up to speed. They went on to play
a steaming version of "In My Time of Dying"  (well well well!!)
and finished their set with Geoff Berner's song "Light Enough 
to Travel" joined on stage by their friends, Australian trio 
'The Waifs', who are also touring over here  - really great night.

All the best

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