Fred wrote:
Damn straight, except you both forgot "curtail civil liberties and personal freedoms 
that of reproductive choice."

Anne wrote:
Too true, Fred. And anyone who thinks dissention is un-American or un-patriotic hasn't 
read the

Well the both of you could not be more on target. Thanks for your words of wisdom. In 
all of this,
we forget that someday we'll be ready to pick up with our freedoms again and they will 
be packed
away! Oh yes I am prepared to pay a price for freedom, but I am not going to pay that 
without getting the goods.  And this administration is smugly pushing that envelope.  

This is from someone who does not believe in drug testing for a job, for government 
enforced seat
belts, police roadblocks to entrap drunk drivers.  It does not mean I am not for using 
seat belts,
or that I am for drinking and driving, and drug use while flying a commercial airline. 
 So please
don't challenge me with the ridiculous.  

I also don't think I am funding terrorists because I smoke pot.  No I think our 
stubborness in
continuing to rely on foreign oil funds terrorism far more.  
Or those who adorn themselves with diamonds are culprits as well.  

Look out now - I'm beginning to rant & rave!
Take a look at this administration's first judicial nominee - Pickering.  This does 
not bode well
for future Supreme Court appointees.  I have no intention in getting into a point 
-counter point
about this nominees ideology.

Yes I agree Anne, I am most definitely a patriot!  Not my country right or wrong, but 
my country,
let's make right what is wrong!
There is much chaos in the world right now.  I continue, as I said after 9/11, to fear 
for us all.
 This administration's suggestion of nuclear usage is appalling and depressing. There 
is nowhere
to hide so we must speak out to everyone from the most grassroot positions to voting 
choices to
protest.  This is not to be taken lightly.

What freedom will there be to defend if we allow them to continue whittling away at 
those so
precious to us now.  This administration's tactic is fear and unfortunately it appears 
to be
working.  They are using it to push their agenda on all fronts.  
Sorry this went on folks, thanks for the bandwidth.  I just couldn't keep it in 
anymore, guess it
was time to push my agenda!

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