colin wrote:

>>About supporting regimes in the past that are now
> >enemies - lots of people in Europe and around the world supported Hitler,
> >too,
> support is not the right word. But yes, something could have been done
about him
> beforee the war. It had to do with anti semitism.

And the seductive draw of blind national patriotism and power.

> > or looked the other way in the beginning, until they saw the light.
> Like the USA did.

The people in the USA were still reeling from the effects of their
involvement in helping Europe in WWI and dealing with the Great Depression
at the time  They were also an ocean away.

> They , the UK, certainly helped create the Palestine problem. They gave in
> terrorists.

They controlled most of the countries in the middle east and set up the
governments there after they pulled out.  I don't know the exact list of
countries, but recall they had control of Iran and Afghanistan, they created
Pakistan, Israel and, I believe, Jordan, as new countries.  I think the list
is even longer than that.

> I really don't see what the above has to with anything we are discussing.
we are
> discussing the USA interfering with foreign powers, supporting terrorists
> it suits them, supporting dictators when it suits them toppling othjer
> govts when it suits them etc etc etc and then wondering why they piss
people off
> in these countries!

Do you really think they are doing it in a vacuum?  Certainly the interests
of their allies appears to come into the equation.
You can't see how countries in Europe having some of it's largest
corporations (including "King Oil") making trillions in the American
marketplace doesn't enter into it all?


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