Hi again,

Bree wrote:
Well unfortunately this is the way of the world now.  There is no turning back.  Not 
to be a
pessimist but things will only get more stringent.  Have you heard about Israels 

Well Bree, I just can't think that I have to bend over and take it as each "little" 
freedom gets
whittled away.  It may be the way of the world but last I checked I lived in America 
and we do
have certain rights & freedoms.  But no problem, remember by limiting our 
rights/fredoms, we have
let them win.  Seems to be another area where this administration talks out of both 
sides of their
mouths.  "We will not let them win" then it's "we must be willing to give up some 
"comforts" to
win this thing.  And as I said the airports were just a beginning and not anywhere 
near the whole
issue. Reading e-mails and other coorespondence is part of it.  Plus some of the 
rights we have
been losing over the past 10-15 years.  Search and seizure laws and unwarranted 
searchess come to
mind.  See a trend yet?  These things send me over the edge.  They start out so subtle 
and slow
and miniscule and before you know it - POOF - they're gone!  And finally, I have heard 
Israel's airport security.  I don't live there, I live in America, and I'm going to 
hold them to
their promise of freedom and rights.  I don't mind most of what goes on for securities 
sake, but I
think it 's beginning to spin out of control the other way.  

Bree wrote:
Americans plain & simple love their fast cars & big SUVs.  These electric cars that go 
50mph are
not feasible and are ugly to boot.  And believe me If I had children I would have an 
SUV because
they are safe.  

Well we love our lovin' but not like I love my freedoms (worked Joni into that one).  
But this is
where Americans get their bad rap.  This image is gluttonous. The technology can be 
developed to
go faster than 50mph and I believe they are there or nearly.  Secondly, how about 
those kids you
are so concerned about racing around at 70 80 90mph.  In the city 50 is about as fast 
as you can
go with 30 - 45 for most city driving.  Highway driving 55 - 65, can't believe the 
won't get there.  Also, if we had made this commitment 10 - 20 years ago, and 
seriously, we'd be
there by now.  I have a lot of faith in good old American Ingenuity!
Oh and they are ugly!?  Is that really part of your argument?   It's partly what we're 
used to -
and partly because they are still in their infancy.  Also, I am not sure as to how 
safe SUVs are
if you are in a car and get hit by one or if we were all driving them wouldn't it all 
kind of be a
wash? I have also seen some news reports questioning their safety and tipping over.  I 
find most
of these reasons pretty superficial.  Sorry, I disagree with you to the utmost Bree, 
but I will
defend to the death your RIGHTS to say it (or something like that).

Kate wrote:
The oil companies have a huge stake in the staus quo.

Abso-fucking-lutely!  This is the entire basis for why we have not moved towards more 
energy sources, it may leave them out in the cold.  Well remember when one door closes 
opens.  At least that's what everyone's been telling me about my employment situation. 
seriously, this will create a whole brand new industry and there will be jobs  - BUT 
it may not
include the same folks in the upper echelon that the oil and auto industry does now.  
What goes
around ...   These are the same people who's lobbyists have the most money to be sure 
they don't
get screwed and the same old political types who assist them.  

This whole discussion started out, I believe with posts from Fred & Anne which I 
supported and
embellished on.  It seemed for awhile it was just Kakki and I playing "point/counter 
point.  But I
am proud that we "played nice" together.  I have not responded to the many posts that 
have come
either here or off-list to me, not because I was ignoring anyone.  It was just easier 
to respond
mostly to Kakki as she and I had several different and/or opposing points to make to 
But I wanted to add my "me toos" and "I agrees" to several of those who also 
eloquently posted
similar points of view such as Kate, Vince, Randy, Gene, Colin, Brenda and Blair.  
Thank you all
for your comments, knowledge and insights.  I just didn't want to bog down the 
bandwidth by giving
a RAH RAH to each point of view or being overly repititious.  Plus I am still stuck on 
this damn
webtv and it's just not very user friendly!     

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