Dear Bree,

I only enjoyed it if you did ;-)
Seriously, as I said these are just issues which put me over the edge and I felt you 
were missing
my point.  Sorry if I came down to hard.

--- Bree wrote: 
> Damn Susan,did you enjoy spanking me or what!!  ;-0
> >Well Bree, I just can't think that I have to bend over and take it as each 
> >"little" freedom gets whittled away.
> Believe me.. I share your sentiments.  Are you of the same mindset when it 
> comes to guns and e-checks?  I hate this:The city I live in forces me to buy 
> these little stickers so I can get rid of MY leafs and tree clippings.  (I 
> find secret little ways to get around this though)

I don't know what e-checks are.  But I do believe that guns should be held way in 
check.  It's the
one "right" I think has outgrown its worth, but that's just my opinion.  In those 
times people
needed guns just to get there supper and because they lived in the wild. There are too 
many people
now and we are supposed to be MORE cvilized - not less.  BUT please I really don't 
want to get
into that argument.  

Bree wrote:
> It is a different world now after 9/11.....Israel's enemies are our 
> enemies.(which they were before 9/11 but now the stamp is in place) And 
> don't you think we need to implement some of what they have in place at 
> their airports?  Sure it is an intrusion!!  But what is the alternative?

I agree and Bree my friend, I said I felt there was some occassion to take issue wth 
some of the
direction the airport security may be taking us.  Or that's what I meant if that 
didn't come
across.  I am not against increased security, I just meant it would be opening the 
door to other
intrusions in other areas, that could begin to wear on our basic rights and freedoms.  

Israel's enemies are NOT my enemies.  I have been a strong supporter of Israel no 
question.  But I
think that there is room for the Palestinian people as well.  Israel is not without 
error,just as
our government is not.  I know we and the Israelis share a more common bond, but 
violence and
hatred wears all colors and knows no borders.  I say this as one who knows family on 
both sides of
that particular clash.  My niece and nephew although 3rd generation are partly Arab 
American -
Palestinian/Christian at that.  My maternal grandmother may have had some Jewish 
roots.   So
should I pick a side for side's sake or search for answers through peace and fairness? 
 The enemy
is violence, hatred and intolerance.

Finally as to rights and the intrusion - alternative. Big brother is not coming - he 
is here! 
It's nip & tuck till they're all gone Bree.    
> >

Bree wrote: 
> Frankly, I don't give a rats ass what THEY think of us.  Cars are a part of 
> Americana.  I personally like sports cars with a manual four speed..hence, 
> much horse power.  I like the way they look;sleek,low to the ground.  They 
> are aesthetically pleasing to me.   Americana:When my sisters would date and 
> their boyfriends would come to my parents house for the first time the 
> question usually was...."What does he look like and what kind of car is he 
> driving?"  If you try to dictate what those soccer moms can drive,well then, 
> you really will have a revolution.  :-(
> I think it is just dangerous and un-American to stifle creativity in any 
> way.  To force engineers who design cars that they must meet even more 
> government standards and criteria is wrong.  Wrong for America!!  The 
> whittling away effect you wrote so eloquently about??

Well you are correct, it is a part of Americana. But I personally, would rather have 
independence from foreign oil, and be more environmentally sound than to worry about 
some of these
things.  Speed will eventually come up on these cars and the looks will evolve as 
well.  Some
generation has to step up and begin the process of change.  I feel it is a matter of
responsbility.  And for those children's future.  To recklessly continue to rape the 
earth to
destruction, when we know better IS gluttonous. I am not perfect I also have my vices 
and my own
biases.  The kids will still get to soccer practice and the air may actually be a bit 
cleaner so
they can breath as well.
> >Oh and they are ugly!?  Is that really part of your argument?

Bree wrote: 
> Yes!!!  I make no bones about it.  One of my favorite cars I ever had was a 
> cherry red Camero:Big block engine,4 speed,black interior,mags.  Damn!!  It 
> was gorgeous!!  Unfortunately, it met and early demise and hopefully.. it is 
> somewhere with Ray's Dad's Cadillac.

Sounds hot but the function of a car for me has always been for transportaion.  I 
don't drive
myself but when I fly I ride in those ugly Southwest airplanes - I don't care what 
they look like
- so long as I get there.
I think it was Anne who mentioned what a challenge creatively it would be for 
engineers to tackle,
coming up with a more aestheticly pleasing car - I agree .

Bree wrote: 
> Thanks,I know you would defend my rights as well I would yours.  IS it 
> nobler to something about the slings and....  Huh?
> Take care,
> Bree

Hope we played nicer this time. Guess I got all my frustrations out at the Blackhwaks 
game tonight
- nothing like hockey to take care of that!

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