Damn Susan,did you enjoy spanking me or what!!  ;-0

>Well Bree, I just can't think that I have to bend over and take it as each 
>"little" freedom gets
>whittled away.

Believe me.. I share your sentiments.  Are you of the same mindset when it 
comes to guns and e-checks?  I hate this:The city I live in forces me to buy 
these little stickers so I can get rid of MY leafs and tree clippings.  (I 
find secret little ways to get around this though)

>Search and seizure laws and unwarranted searchess come to
>mind.  See a trend yet?  These things send me over the edge.  They start 
>out so subtle and slow
>and miniscule and before you know it - POOF - they're gone!  And finally, I 
>have heard about
>Israel's airport security.  I don't live there, I live in America, and I'm 
>going to hold them to
>their promise of freedom and rights.  I don't mind most of what goes on for 
>securities sake, but I
>think it 's beginning to spin out of control the other way.

It is a different world now after 9/11.....Israel's enemies are our 
enemies.(which they were before 9/11 but now the stamp is in place) And 
don't you think we need to implement some of what they have in place at 
their airports?  Sure it is an intrusion!!  But what is the alternative?
>Bree wrote:
>Americans plain & simple love their fast cars & big SUVs.  These electric 
>cars that go 50mph are
>not feasible and are ugly to boot.  And believe me If I had children I 
>would have an SUV because
>they are safe.
>But this is where Americans get their bad rap.  This image is gluttonous.

Frankly, I don't give a rats ass what THEY think of us.  Cars are a part of 
Americana.  I personally like sports cars with a manual four speed..hence, 
much horse power.  I like the way they look;sleek,low to the ground.  They 
are aesthetically pleasing to me.   Americana:When my sisters would date and 
their boyfriends would come to my parents house for the first time the 
question usually was...."What does he look like and what kind of car is he 
driving?"  If you try to dictate what those soccer moms can drive,well then, 
you really will have a revolution.  :-(
I think it is just dangerous and un-American to stifle creativity in any 
way.  To force engineers who design cars that they must meet even more 
government standards and criteria is wrong.  Wrong for America!!  The 
whittling away effect you wrote so eloquently about??

>go faster than 50mph and I believe they are there or nearly.  Secondly, how 
>about those kids you
>are so concerned about racing around at 70 80 90mph.  In the city 50 is 
>about as fast as you can
>go with 30 - 45 for most city driving.  Highway driving 55 - 65, can't 
>believe the technology
>won't get there.

This is a fact:The average flow of traffic in the city in which  I live, as 
you know is Cincinnati, is 75/80mph.  I'm talking about expressway driving.  
Now if they can come up with an electric car that looks sporty and has the 
capabilities to go the speed that's needed to maneuver in and out of 
traffic,I might opt for that car.  And I'm all for some government 
incentives for people who CHOOSE the more efficient car.

>Oh and they are ugly!?  Is that really part of your argument?

Yes!!!  I make no bones about it.  One of my favorite cars I ever had was a 
cherry red Camero:Big block engine,4 speed,black interior,mags.  Damn!!  It 
was gorgeous!!  Unfortunately, it met and early demise and hopefully.. it is 
somewhere with Ray's Dad's Cadillac.

  It's partly what we're used to -
>and partly because they are still in their infancy.  Also, I am not sure as 
>to how safe SUVs are
>if you are in a car and get hit by one or if we were all driving them 
>wouldn't it all kind of be a
>wash? >of these reasons pretty superficial.  Sorry, I disagree with you to 
>the utmost Bree, but I will
>defend to the death your RIGHTS to say it (or something like that).

As I wrote to Randy.. the word I should have used is *safer*.  Disagree with 
personal choice?

Thanks,I know you would defend my rights as well I would yours.  IS it 
nobler to something about the slings and....  Huh?

Take care,

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