> But there is certainly something wrong if the apathy
on election day is ultimately 
> because people don't believe that their vote matters.
I hear what you're saying, Brenda. And I agree that's
it's easy to get discouraged and feel like you're
single-handedly trying to change this huge, complex
machine. But I've also noticed that for the most part,
the people who don't vote aren't all that involved day
to day. I don't know how to solve that, although I
think the media could play a better role in encouraging
and informing people. I mean, all last summer we were
inundated with stories of shark attacks. In fact, there
were fewer attacks than in many previous years. Think
of how different the world would be if the media had
given us more info about the Taliban and al Quaeda.
I've even wondered if, in order to get an FCC license,
TV networks would have to provide a half hour of news
every evening, commercial-free. I'll have to think
about that more.

lots of love

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