Hi Kate,

Thanks for clarifying your views on corporations.  I get to the point
sometimes where I hear so much screaming about them that I start to imagine
hordes of angry people holding torches surrounding offices buildings like
the scene out of Frankenstein!

>I think if we had some serious campaign
> reforms then this would actually move us >toward the ideal of a government
> the people, for the people.

I agree that things need to be reviewed and reformed as needed.  The big
question in my mind with campaign reform is whether it could result in only
people with millions of dollars running for elected positions.  Like only
the wealthy will have the money to pay for the campaign and be elected.
Such a scenario obviously would prevent a huge diverse cross-section of
representation.  I don't know the answer to this one.

> I was just talking with some friends about the >subject of desire (of
things). It came about as >the result of talking about Yogananda's teachings
& other eastern kinds of thoughts.

I think Yogananda is so cool and have attended services at the temple in
Hollywood.  You talk about a peaceful and serene group of people! It was
very nice.


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