Great words, Vince. I'm with you on all of it except

>  Failing their
> candidacies, perhaps Gov Gray Davis might be out best choice as, while
> lacking vision, is a tehnician with his heart in the right place,

Our California Governor is an appeaser in the Clinton mold, a dear
friend to the corporate interests, a Republican in Democrat's clothing,
who will say whatever you want to hear to get elected. Much of the
shameful electricity crisis (complete with Enron involvement) rests
on his shoulders. Tree defenders in N. Cal still remember that he said
that, if elected, not another old growth tree (3% still standing) would
fall to the logger's axe. He promptly forgot his words. I kept waiting for
him to say "I didn't say anything about chain saws", but alas, he was
too spineless to address the question at all when called to task. I
would expect more status quo from Davis, plus, unlike Clinton,
he lacks any kind of personal charisma that might capture the public's
fancy. I hope he's not our best hope, but compared to some of the
other possibilities,,,,,,eeeww....I don't want to think about it
ps regarding a government "of the people" ;
was it Ghandhi, who, when asked about Democracy, said, "I think
it would be a good idea" ?
We have the illusion of a democratic process because we can
choose between (usually two) candidates. But the "demo" part of
democracy, the whole idea, is that people from various regions
pick someone to represent them in the government. We do get
to pick, but they represent the business interests that put them
up, once they get in. A slight of hand.

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