Last night I sat down on the floor of my office and repaired the bellows strap on the 
smaller of my mother's two accordions (if the term "bellows strap" is incorrect, 
please let me know).  This led me to explore the rather large stack of sheet music 
that I brought from Ohio, which brought back dozens of memories as I gazed at the 
covers ... so many songs we used to play and sing together around the piano ... but I 

I found quite a few books of music for the accordion, one of which is an instruction 
method for "junior" players, for 12, 24, and 48 bass instruments.  Now I know that 
Mom's smaller accordion is a 48 bass (as opposed to the much larger accordion, 
recently identified by Sharon the Beekeeper as a 120 bass).

Mom bought the 48 bass, used, with the bellows strap detached.  It didn't occur to me 
until two days ago that it might be very easy to repair it -- and it was, using two 
plastic molly bolts and appropriate screws.  Oh, how I wish I'd thought of this 15 
years ago!  Since I didn't, I'm determined to learn to play (maybe in time for 
Jonifest, maybe not).

Anyway, all this is to say that I just came across a very cool link for free sheet 
music of all kinds:

Just wanted to share ...

in MD

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