Genrally I would agree with you. However, the Pit Bull was bred specifically for
dog fighting. I have met some very sweet natured ones. Would never allow them
around other dogs or children.
Again, people are the casure of this. The man who started to breed them in the
first place. Dogs like these are bred to be dangerous. A great shame.
Countless times I have read or heard about dogs like these (and other similiar
breeds) that are said to be so sweet...until they turn and maim someone or kill
another dog. It is not always the fault of the owner. Many of these dogs ahve been
treated well, trained well etc but still they turn. they do so because it is in
their makeup to do so.

I once sold an Apso to a couple who owneed a delightfully good tempered rooty. My
puppy was killed wihin 3 weeks by it. NEVER do is sell to people with Staffs,
Pits, Rotts, Dobes, GSD's, Bulls, ...the list is quite long.

Having said all that, most dog problems are the fault of the owner. i don't sell
to all day workers, to people with young children(toddlers and babies), to people
who are too soppy who won't discipline etc

Some breeds however however have been developed to 'compliment' a man's ego and
these, no matter how sweet some are, are dangerous.

mack watson-bush wrote:

> Let's just remember that it is not the breed of dog but the owner.  I am
> currently grieving over my last one who was just ran over by a vehicle.  She
> was a very sweet dog and afraid of her own shadow.  My nephew rescued her from
> some people (I use that word loosely) who were torturing her when she was a
> puppy.  She was not the first pit I have had and currently have another that
> is one-half pit.  None of them are aggressive to people though the one that
> was killed had good reason to be.  People are the culprits here, as usual.
> mack

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