My son grew up around pitbulls. Once upon a time I rented a cottage on a
property where the owners had 2 of them. The younger one was a mix, the
older one was purebred. They were both very sweet natured & my son played
with them from ages 3 to 10...he used to throw lemons for them to catch. For
some reason I didn't worry about these dogs & my son loved them. Knowing
what I know now, I am amazed that I was so trusting but truly they adored my
son too. Just writing this freaks me out a bit though.

Once, a housesitter made the grave mistake of not separating the dogs at
dinner time. They were at each others throats in an instant with their huge
clamped jaws & it took me & a long time with a full power water hose to get
them apart...the older one ended up at the vets but recovered. After that
they were best of friends again.

Kate Bennett
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