mack watson-bush wrote:

> The dog that I have had the most trouble with is a German Shepherd mix.  She
> routinely has to rule over the other four dogs and would regularly beat the
> stuffing out of the poor, now run over pit bull, named Gypsy.  This dog has to
> be the top of the heap and the first at everything.  Very jealous and will get
> very angry if i give another dog attention.  That includes the male and half
> pit.  She rules the roost, so to speak.

She is obviously top dog, but second in command. you are the TOP DOG, so to speak.

It is a veyr hard lesson to learn, but I now let mine fight if they are going to.
That way they sort out the heirachy. Unless of course they look like they kill
eachother-ie grabbed round the neck.
We had two, Spy and Falan that hated eachtoehr and eventually Spy was rehomed.

Now we have no problems as long as we keep the boys apart. Bear in mind all mine
are entire so keeping boys together is asking for trouble.
It appears that Brad is Boss but it is in reality martha. Brad had a go at her a
while ago and she flew right back at him. Brad immediately backed down and looked
so confused. He slunk away from her and now accepts hers as Boss. However, he
behaves like he is  Boss for appearances sake!

> mack

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